Monday, October 28, 2019

How To Combat Hernia Pain Without Surgery?

Hernia is a condition when an organ or a tissue bulges out through an opening in the muscle or tissue. Most commonly occurring in the abdomen, hernias can appear in the upper thigh, belly button, and groin areas. While most of the hernias are not quite life-threatening, the pain and discomfort that they cause is at times too much to bear. Is surgery the only way to get hernia pain relief?

Irrespective of what causes hernia to occur and grow, the condition is painful and hence must be treated to get relief from pain. Here, we are jotting down few home remedies:

1.        Use ice packs

In case of mild discomfort, an ice pack to the hernia for 10-15 minutes. As per your doctor’s approval, you can do this once or twice a day – this definitely reduces swelling and inflammation. Do make sure to wrap the ice pack in a towel to prevent damage to your skin tissue.

2.       Over-the-counter medications

In case of moderate hernia pain, over-the-counter medicines like ibuprofen and acetaminophen might help. Do confirm the dosing instructions, and do check with your doctor about the same.

3.       Take medicines to treat reflux

If you have a hiatal hernia, you might have hyperacidity known as reflux. Over-the-counter antacids and medications to reduce acid production are recommended in such conditions. If left untreated, reflux can severely damage your esophagus.

4.       Wear a truss or support

If you have an inguinal hernia, you might be recommended to wear a special support to reduce your pain. Your doctor might advise you to wear a truss which is like a supportive underwear. You have to lay down and wrap the belt or harness around the hernia to keep it snug to your body. Do remember, truss doesn’t heal the hernia and it is only for support, and hence must be worn for a short period of time.

5.       Try acupuncture

Acupuncture is a popular ancient method of treating pain. It adjusts the body’s energies by inserting slender needles into specific energy points. It provides herniapain relief by stimulating pressure points that are known to reduce pain. However, acupuncture must be done by a certified acupuncturist experienced in hernia pain.

These are all home remedies to treat and relieve hernia pain. In case of severe pain, it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately. It might call for medical emergency and a mesh implant surgery.
Do note, that even a surgery doesn’t certify total relief. There are reports of several complications and pain post surgery and many victims have gone ahead and filed lawsuits against the mesh devices implanted in the treatment.

If you are one of those unlucky victims, and are yet to seek for justice, wait no more. Get in touch with Hernia Mesh Online on for the procedure followed by them. You can also call them up on (855) 631-2643 for a consultation.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Tips To Prepare BEFORE And AFTER Hernia Surgery

Did your doctor recommend a hernia surgery? Are you confused about how to prepare yourself for the same? May be the pre and post surgical measures bothering you too? Here we present a detailed guide to make you prepared for your procedure. Know everything about it to get going all the way.

If you are going to get surgically treated for hernia soon, chances are high of anticipation. The mere thought of getting mesh implanted within your body might leave you panic-stricken. Hernia operation is generally performed on an outpatient basis, and it doesn’t involve getting admitted and staying overnight.

Though the surgery isn’t a big one, yet you are suggested to take some precautions and post surgery measures to be safe and away from complications.

Preparation before Hernia Surgery:

  •            Hernia surgery is done on an outpatient basis, and you will be discharged on the same day.

  •            Preoperative measures include blood tests, medical evaluation, X-rays (chest), and an EKG as per the age and medical condition of the patient.

  •            A written consent is required after all the potential risks and benefits of the operation are explained.

  •            You are not allowed to eat or drink anything (except medications, as suggested) after the previous midnight.

  •            You will be asked to stop taking medicines like aspirin, blood thinners, anti-inflammatory medications (arthritis medications) and Vitamin E for several days to a week prior to surgery.

  •            Arrange for help and escorts without fail. You will not be operated if you don’t bring along an escort to drive you home after surgery.

  •            Quit smoking and don’t come for operation if you are drunk or have a hangover.

Post Surgery Measures:

  •            Medication

You will be prescribed medicines for pain relief – depending on the level of your discomfort. There will be medicines to treat constipation issues, sedatives and others as prescribed by the practitioner.

  •            Incision Care

Any bandage, if at all, would be removed in 24 hours followed by a shower and a gentle pat to dry the incision. You won’t be allowed any tub baths or swimming for at least two weeks. There might be a dressing on the area which needs to be washed and re-dressed regularly.

  •            Swelling

Swelling, bruises and sore are common for the area around your incision. To reduce the same, an ice pack might be handy. Use it for 15-20 minutes at a time for 4-5 times a day.

  •            Diet

During the first 24 hours of surgery, you will not feel hungry. Post that, you would be on liquid diet till your appetite goes up.

  •            Activities

There is no restriction on daily activities including climbing the stairs. In fact, you would be encouraged to walk as per your body permits. However, you are strictly restricted to lift, pull or push more than 5 pounds for the next 2 weeks. You are also recommended not to practice any heavy exercises for 6 weeks after the surgery.

  •            Bowel

It might get 1-10 days after surgery to get back your normal bowel movement. Only if you start nauseating or face abdominal pain, this gap is normal. In case of constipation, laxatives might help.

  •            Driving

You can drive once you no longer need narcotic (prescription) pain medications post hernia operation.

Despite these precautions, complications do occur in many cases. Several patients have complained of acute incisional pain, bleeding, fever, vomiting or nausea, chest pain or shortness of breath. If these complications persist, you need to see a doctor, and at the same time should seek for legal help.

Visit : HerniaMesh.Online for more information. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Mesh Products And Manufacturers To Stay Away From

A hernia mesh is used to repair the damaged tissues and provide support. If you aren’t aware, these mesh looks like fine fishing strings that are woven together to form a mesh. However, patients who went through mesh surgeries have reported complications right after the implant. Manufacturers failed to provide relevant information about the side effects which caused tremendous complications. It’s not possible to remember the defected product names that hernia mesh lawsuit reported, but you can start here to have some idea. 

Some of the details about mesh device and its manufacturers are as follow:
  1. R.Bard
  • PerFix Plug
  • 3D Max Mesh
  • Marlex
  • Bard Mesh
  • Visilex
  • 3D Max Light Mesh
  • Sperma-Tex

  1. Ethicon
  • Physiomesh
  • Proceed
  • PHS
  • Prolene 3D

  1. Covidien
  • Parietex Optimized Open Skirt Mesh
  • Parietex ProGrip Self-Fixating Mesh
  • Parietex Optimized Composite Mesh
  • Parietex Composite Open Skirt (PCO OS) Mesh
  • Parietex Composite Ventral Patch

  1. Atrium
  • C-Qur
  • C-Qur Mosiac
  • C-Qur TacShield
  • C-Qur Edge
  • C-Qur Lite Mesh V-Patch

These are some of the defective products that manufacturers marketed. It’s better to keep a track of such products to have a safe surgery, because these products are life-threatening. Take help from hernia mesh lawsuit for filing your compensation claim. You can also take help from Hernia Mesh Online; they have a dedicated team of professionals to help you with the case. Visit or dial (855) 631-2643 to talk directly. 

Monday, May 6, 2019

Did You Experience Pain After Hernia Operation?

Mesh implants have been effective at treating hernias for decades now, but they are also known to cause problems of their own. The list of hernia mesh side effects is long and some of them also lead to life-threatening complications. The victims of the faulty mesh implants can lead to lawsuits claiming their damage awards.

It has also been reported how some hernia mesh products are more prone to failure than others due to its faulty implant design. This, in particular, increases the chance of falling prey to the complications after hernia operation

From 1% to 8% of surgery patients are found to be affected with an infection after the surgery. What roots to this infection are poor health, lifestyle choices (such as smoking), or anything else which damages the immune system. To a certain extent, antibiotics can help, but further surgical intervention becomes imperative to eliminate the condition from the root and prevent further infections.

Adhesions are one of the most common causes of pain after the surgery where scar tissues are formed around the implant site. If the body is unable to heal, it can give rise to severe health hazards. In severe cases, the organs in question can lose their ability to function properly. Once that occurs, additional surgical procedures might be required to rectify the condition.
When a hernia returns after doing a revision surgery, it’s called recurrence and the condition is not rare. Mesh implants tend to have lower recurrence rates than the other existing form of hernia treatment, but it is one of the most commonly reported issues that cause pain in patients with defective hernia mesh implant.

When scar tissue builds up after the hernia operation around the implant site, the bowel region might get obstructed and give rise to blockages. The only way to remove a bowel obstruction is to remove it surgically. When left untreated, a blockage can cause further health issues such as perforation or tearing of the organ wall.

To find out if you are entitled to the financial compensation, get in touch with the team of The experts will help you understand about the complications of the lawsuit and how to proceed with it.