Monday, May 6, 2019

Did You Experience Pain After Hernia Operation?

Mesh implants have been effective at treating hernias for decades now, but they are also known to cause problems of their own. The list of hernia mesh side effects is long and some of them also lead to life-threatening complications. The victims of the faulty mesh implants can lead to lawsuits claiming their damage awards.

It has also been reported how some hernia mesh products are more prone to failure than others due to its faulty implant design. This, in particular, increases the chance of falling prey to the complications after hernia operation

From 1% to 8% of surgery patients are found to be affected with an infection after the surgery. What roots to this infection are poor health, lifestyle choices (such as smoking), or anything else which damages the immune system. To a certain extent, antibiotics can help, but further surgical intervention becomes imperative to eliminate the condition from the root and prevent further infections.

Adhesions are one of the most common causes of pain after the surgery where scar tissues are formed around the implant site. If the body is unable to heal, it can give rise to severe health hazards. In severe cases, the organs in question can lose their ability to function properly. Once that occurs, additional surgical procedures might be required to rectify the condition.
When a hernia returns after doing a revision surgery, it’s called recurrence and the condition is not rare. Mesh implants tend to have lower recurrence rates than the other existing form of hernia treatment, but it is one of the most commonly reported issues that cause pain in patients with defective hernia mesh implant.

When scar tissue builds up after the hernia operation around the implant site, the bowel region might get obstructed and give rise to blockages. The only way to remove a bowel obstruction is to remove it surgically. When left untreated, a blockage can cause further health issues such as perforation or tearing of the organ wall.

To find out if you are entitled to the financial compensation, get in touch with the team of The experts will help you understand about the complications of the lawsuit and how to proceed with it. 

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